Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So for fun tonight, since my son is deciding not to sleep anyway, I searched on Google trying to see if I could find our blog. Sadly no. A huge waste of time. I did find a lot of other bloggers, doing exactly what we are doing. I looked for fun to see what other people were doing and how much debt they had. At first I was a little impressed with us, the next lowest number I saw was over $10,000 more than we had. Then I looked at their breakdowns, about $15,000 of it was in car loans. Unfortunately for us, all of our debt is in plastic. We don't have hardly anything to show for it (like a vehicle). It was a very sobering night. Glad we're doing something about it though and not just wishing and hoping.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! I think it is awesome that you have this goal.(even if it will be long than originally planned.) Most people say they are gong to get out of debt but never act on it. You guys are awesome and I look up to you two. I am so proud to be your sister and I love you guys.
    I am happy to hear that Tony got a second job.
